Date of birth: 23.04.1978

Place of birth: Corni, Botoşani county

Address: 11 Carol I Blv., Iassy

Telephone: (40) 232 264 122






2008 - PhD in Philosophy

December 2003 – January 2004 - specialization at Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques de l’Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

2001 – From the first of november, trainer for a doctor’s degree in the Logic and Rhetoric specialization, with a thesis entitled The Postmodern Philosophical Discourse. Jean Baudrillard

2001 –B.A. in Philosophy, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy.





Position held: scientific researcher PhD, Interdisciplinary Research Department – Social and Human Sciences “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania

Affiliations: Member of the Seminar of Discoursive Logic, Theory of Reasoning and Rhetoric, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy

Competence fields: New Media


                            Logic and the Theory of Discursiveness

                            Philosophical Postmodernism





a) Authored books

(2008) Discursul filosofic al modernitatii, Institutul European, Iasi.

(1997) She also published a poetry book entitled Aprinde-mă, Doamne, să-mi încălzesc mâinile, Editura Geea, Botoşani.

b) Studies and articles

(2001) „The Ecstasy of  the Limit. The Orgiastic Games of Reality”, in Timpul magazine, Iassy.

(2002a) „Reflections on the Concept of Postmodernism – Can a Concept Affect Us?”, in 13 Plus, Bacău.

(2002b) „God is Dead?! (A Postmodern View on Values), in 13 Plus, Bacău.

(2002c) „The Metaphor of Seduction in Jean Baudrillard’s Works”, in Hermeneia, Iassy.

(2003a) „Looking for the Other”, in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” din Iaşi. Filosofie, tom XLIX, pp. 272-277.

(2003b) „In Search of Identity: Postmodern Art”, in 13 Plus, Bacău.

(2003/2004) „The Philosophical Discourse as a Strategy of Seduction: Jean Baudrillard”, in Argumentum, no. 2, Ed. Fundaţiei Academice Axis, Iassy.

(2003) Preface to Denys Cuche, Noţiunea de cultură în ştiinţele sociale, „Institutul European” Publishing House, Iassy.

(2004) „About a Social History of the Trust in Knowledge”, preface to Peter Burke, O istorie socială a cunoaşterii. De la Gutenberg la Diderot, „Institutul European” Publishing House,    Iassy.

„Towards a Mediological Interpretation of the Cultural Fact”, preface to Régis Debray, Curs de mediologie generală, „Institutul European” Publishing House, Iassy (forthcoming).


