Public Discourse and Political Identity
Gheorghe-Ilie FÂRTE
Comment les medias grand public
alimentent-ils le populisme
de droite ? , pp. 9-32.
Corneliu BILBA
Sur le concept de politique
internationale chez Kant. Contre le scepticisme, pp. 33-54.
Horia-Costin CHIRIAC
Power, Identity and Efficiency in
Political Discourse, pp. 55-64.
Philosophy: Two Interpretations
Viorel ȚUȚUI
The Reconsideration of Liberty and Political
Order in Hume’s Rejection
of the Social Contract Theory , pp. 67-94.
Andrei Constantin SĂLĂVĂSTRU
Royalist Rhetoric during the French Wars of Religion:
Jean Bodin’s“Royale” Monarchy, pp. 95-115 .

Rhetoric and
the Study of Communication Skills
Pierre-Antoine PONTOIZEAU
La rhétorique des objets
, pp. 119-137.

Ioan-Alexandru GRĂDINARU
The Principles of Supportive Communication: A Critical
pp. 138-148

The Ethos of the Brand in Digital Times. Implications for
Copywriters’ Work
, pp. 149-161.

In Memoriam : Denis Miéville (15.09.1946 : 27.10.2018)
