Constantin SĂLĂVĂSTRU 





Date of  birth: 09.05.1956

Place of birth: Truşeşti, Botoşani county

Address: 11 Carol I Blv., Iassy

Phone: (40) 232 279 454






Oct. 1996 – Feb. 1997 – specialization at Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques de l’Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

May-June 1996 – specialization at Université „Charles de Gaulle”, Lille 3, France

1993 – Ph.D. , „Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, with a thesis on the applications of logic in the field of education

1981 – B.A. in Philosophy, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy.





Position held: University professor, the Chair of Logic and Systematic Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy

Affiliations: The director of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Theory of Reasoning and Rhetoric, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy

Associate member of the Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques de l’Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Courses taught: Rhetoric (Philosophy, 4th year, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy)

Trends in Contemporary Logic (Philosophy, 3rd year, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy)

The Rhetoric of the Political Discourse (Political Sciences, 3rd year, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy)

Competence fields: Discursive logic

Fuzzy logic


The theory of reasoning

Logical semantics and its applications





1995 – The „Ion Petrovici” award of the Romanian Academy for Logic and Educational Language (Bucharest, 1995)





a) Authored books

(1995) Logic and Educational Language (Bucharest: EDP, in Romanian), 312 p-

(1996a) Argumentative Models in the Educational Discourse (Bucharest: The Romanian Academy Press, in Romanian) 246 p.

(1996b) Rationality and Discourse. Logical and Semiotical Perspectives on Rhetoric (Bucharest, in Romanian)

(1997) Antinomies of Receptivity. An Essay of Logical Pragmatics (Bucharest: EDP, in Romanian) 295 p.

(1998) Identité et alterité: les avatars de la rhétorique contemporaine (Neuchâtel: CdRS, Université de Neuchâtel, in French) 90 p.

(1999) The Discourse of the Power. An Essay of Applied Rhetoric (Iassy: Institutul European, in Romanian) 358 p.

(2001) The Critique of Discursive Reason: a Problematological Interpretation of the Philosophical Discourse  (Iassy: Polirom, in Romanian)

(2003) The Theory and Practice of Reasoning (Iassy: Polirom, in Romanian)

(2003) The Theory and Practice of Reasoning (Iassy: Polirom, in Romanian)

(2004) Rhétorique et politique (L'Harmattan, in French)

(2006) Petit traité d'art oratoire  (Iassy, Ed. Universităţíi, in Romanian)

(2007) Logique, argumentation, interprétation, Collection «Epistémologie et philosophie des sciences», Editions L’Harmattan, Paris, 235 p.;(in French)


b) Co-authored books

(1997) Logique, discours et pensée (Berne, New York: Peter Lang, in French)


b) Edited volumes

(2002) Existence, Knowledge, Communication (Iassy: Editura UniversităţiiAl.I. Cuza”, in Romanian), together with Ştefan Celmare


Ion Petrovici (1996) Problems of Logic (Iaşi: Agora, in Romanian)

Ion Petrovici (1998) The Theory of Notion (Iaşi: Polirom, in Romanian)

Ion Petrovici (2000) A Course of Logic (Iaşi: Institutul European)


c) Studies in anthologies

(1994) „Non-standard logics and educative interventions” in Petru Ioan ed. Logic and Education (Iaşi: Junimea), in Romanian, pp. 63 - 120 ;


(1995) „Perlocutionary strategies of discursivity” in Languages and Communication (Iaşi: Institutul European), in Romanian, pp. 182 - 189 ;


(1996) „The integrality of logic in Petre Botezatu” in Ştefan Afloroaei ed. Petre Botezatu : Logico-Philosophical Itineraries (Iaşi: Ankarom), in Romanian, pp. 96 - 107 ;


(1997) „Orientations analytiques dans la rhétorique contemporainein  Denis Miéville et Alain Berrendonner éds. Logique, discours et pensée, (Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M, New-York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang), in French, pp. 149 - 168;


(1999) „Questionable: the avatars of the dialogical relation” in Ştefan Afloroaei ed. Hermeneutical Alternatives (Iaşi: Cantes), in Romanian, pp. 64 - 72;


(2001) „Applications of the concept of interpretation in logicîn Ştefan Afloroaei ed. Limits of Interpretation (Iaşi: Fundaţia Axis), in Romanian, pp. 83-108;


(2002) „The problem of interpretation in logic: How is possible identification through difference” in Ştefan Celmare, Constantin Sălăvăstru eds. (2002) , in Romanian, pp. 119 - 168;


(2003) „Pragma-dialectics and reasoning” in Vasile Ţapoc ed. Philosophy, Sociology,Ppolitics, and the New Generation (Chişinău: CE USM) , in Romanian, pp. 112-122;


d) Studies and articles

(1981) „The logic of approximation and deductive processes” in Knowledge, Creativity, Communication, vol.I, Iaşi, 1981, pp. 79 – 83, in Romanian, ;


(1985) „Fundamental concepts in the logic of approximation” in Anuarul Centrului de ştiinţe sociale al UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza, Iaşi, tome II, 1985, pp. 158 – 165, in Romanian, ;


(1986) „The logic of approximation as passing from discrete to continuous” in Analele  UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXII, 1986, pp. 92 – 96, in Romanian, ;


(1987a) „Essays on reasoning” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXIII, 1987, pp. 22 – 23, in Romanian, ;


(1987b) „Fonctions aléthiques et inférentielles des modificateurs linguistiques” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXIII, nr.2, 1987, pp. 37 – 41, in French ;


(1987c) „Cognitive virtues of interdisciplinarity” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXIII, nr.2, 1987, pp. 108 – 111, in Romanian, ;


(1988a) „Interdisciplinarity in the humanities” in Revista de filosofie, nr. 1, jan.-feb., 1988, pp. 84 – 85, in Romanian, ;


(1988b) „The Kantian spirit and the receptivity of the philosophical discourse” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXIV, nr.2, 1988, pp. 75 – 77, in Romanian,;


(1989) „Petre Botezatu and the Propensity for Synthesis” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXV, nr. 2, 1989, pp. 5 – 11, in English ;


(1990a) „Fundaments and applicative perspectives in the logic of approximation” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXVI, nr. 1-2,1990, pp. 62 – 74, in Romanian, ;


(1990b) „Prejudicative forms: Aristotelian interpretations and current systematizations” in Revista de filosofie, nr. 1, tome XXXVII, 1990, pp. 113 – 121, in Romanian, ;


(1990c) „The dignity of the sign” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXVI, nr. 1 - 2, 1990, pp. 150 – 155, in Romanian, ;


(1992a) „The idea of a logical form in Ion Petrovici” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Filosofie, tome XXXVIII, nr. 1 - 2, 1992,   pp. 136 – 143, in Romanian, ;


(1992b) „Vasile Pavelcu or on the openings of psychology towards philosophy and logic” in Revista de filosofie, tome XXXIX, nr. 3, 1992, pp. 217 – 229, in Romanian, ;


(1992c) „Petre Botezatuîn Revue roumaine de philosophie, tome 36, Juillet - Décembre, no. 3 - 4, 1992, pp. 347 – 353, in French ;


(1993a) „The semiotic model of the rhetorical discourse” in Revista de filosofie, tome XL, nr.5, 1993, pp. 453 – 464, in Romanian, ;


(1993b) „L’idée de forme logique chez Ion Petrovici” in Revue roumaine de philosophie, tome 37, Nos 1 - 2, 1993, pp. 141 – 149, in French;


(1993c) „Cognitif et pragmatique dans le discours rhétorique” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XIX, Bucharest, The Academy Press, 1993, pp. 97 – 109, in French ;


(1993d) „Logical suggestions in interpreting appreciative acts” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, seria Psihologie -Pedagogie, tome II, 1993, pp. 85 – 92, in Romanian, ;


(1993e) „The rhetorical syllogism and discursive reasoning” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, tome XXXIX, nr. 1 - 2, 1993, pp. 167 – 174, in Romanian, ;


(1994a) „L’obsession de l’exactitude” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XX, Bucharest, The Academy Press, 1994, pp. 73 – 84, in French;


(1994b) „Considerations on the logic of approximation” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLI, nr. 4, 1994, pp. 445 – 457, in Romanian, ;


(1994c) „The lytic dimension of reasoning” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, Filosofie, tome XL - XLII, 1994 - 1996, pp. 169 – 181, in Romanian, ;


(1995a) „Explication scientifique et discours méta-explicatif” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXI, 1995, pp. 41 – 49, in French;


(!995b) „Structures, formes et relations argumentatives” in Revue roumaine de philosophie, tome 39, Juillet - Décembre, Nos 3 - 4, 1995, pp. 271 – 294, in French ;


(1996a) „The force of the idea – side notes to a «metaphysical rhetoric»” în Revista de filosofie, tome XLIII, nr. 1 - 2, 1996, pp. 109 – 119, in Romanian;


(1996b) „The antinomies of receptivity” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLIII, nr. 3 - 4, 1996, pp. 315 – 326, in Romanian;


(1996c) „The actuality of Ion Petrovici’s logic” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLIII, nr. 5 - 6, 1996, pp. 427 – 439, in Romanian;


(1996d) „Time and destiny: the Ion Petrovici case”, introduction to Ion Petrovici (1996) pp. 5 - 41 ;


(1997a) „Orientations analytiques dans la rhétorique contemporaine” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXII, Bucharest, The Academy Pres, 1997, pp. 127 – 141, in French;


(1997b) „Nae IonescuLogicity as the experience of the grounding thought” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLIV, nr. 3, 1997, pp. 193 – 211, in Romanian;


(1997c) „Identity and difference: the case of rhetoric” in Revista de filosofie, nr.6,1997, Editura Academiei, 1997, pp. 611 – 629, in Romanian;


(1997d) „Exercices sur la déduction approximée” in Revue roumaine de philosophie, tome 41, Nos 1-2, 1997, pp. 187 – 202, in French;


(1998a) „Les antinomies de la réceptivité” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXIII, Editura Academiei Române, 1988, pp. 123 – 133, in French;


(1998b) „Logicity as the experience of critical thinking” introduction to Ion Petrovici (1998) pp. 7 – 26, in Romanian;


(1998c) „Discursive logic and the contemporary logical pluralism” in Analele ştiinţifice ale UniversităţiiAl.I.Cuza”, Iaşi, tome XLIII-XLIV, 1997 - 1998, pp.105 – 108, in Romanian;


(1999a) „Cantemir’s Divanul. Rhetorical interpretations” in Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I.Cuza", Iaşi, Filosofie, tom XLVI, 1999, pp. 63 – 70, in Romanian;


(1999b) „La résurrection de la rhétoriqueune analyse factorielle in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXIV, 1999, pp. 75 – 89, in French;


(1999c) „The modernity of classical logic and the classicity of modern logic” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLVI, Nr. 1-2, 1999, pp. 23 – 46, in Romanian;


(1999d) „Les sens actuels de la rhétorique” in Revue roumaine de philosophie, Tomes 42-43, 1998 - 1999, pp. 173 – 183, in French;


(2000a) „The tradition of university courses in Romanian logic” introduction to Ion Petrovici (2000) pp. 5 – 41, in Romanian;


(2000b) „La situation de la logique de notre siecleune continuité ou une rupture” in  Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXV, 2000, pp. 109 – 128, in French;


(2000c) „Understanding exercises: the concept of problematological situation” in Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I.Cuza" - Iaşi, Filosofie, tome XLVII - XLVIII, 2000-2001, pp. 79 – 86, in Romanian;


(2000d) „Rhetorical exercises in Cantemir’s Divanul” in Revista de filosofie, nr. 3-4, mai-august, 2000, pp. 215-222, in Romanian;


(2001a) „La logique du pouvoir: une interprétation logique de la relation de pouvoir” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXVI, 2001, pp. 157 – 169, in French;


(2001b) „Rationalité et manipulation: les sophismes dans le discours politique” in Les C@hiers de Psychologie politique, Revue interactive d'information et de dialogue, No 1, 2001, Université de Caen (France)   12 p, in French;


(2001c) „Sketch of a philosophical problematology: the criteria of the problematological” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLVIII, 3 - 4, 2001, pp. 337 – 355, in Romanian;


(2001d) „An integrating perspective on the relationship between logic and language” in Revista de filosofie, tome XLVIII, 3 - 4, 2001, pp. 427 – 431, in Romanian;


(2002a) „The virtues of an interdisciplinary undertaking”, introduction to Ştefan Celmare and Constantin Sălăvăstru (2002) pp. 7 – 13, in Romanian;


(2002b) „La vocation antinomique des sciences humaines: commentaires à un débat” in Les C@hiers de Psychologie politique, Revue interactived'information et de dialogue, No 2, octobre 2002, Université de Caen (France)   4 p., in French;


(2002c) „Thèmes néo-populistes dans le discours politique roumain: quand les leaders disent ce que l'auditoire voudrait entendre” in Les C@hiers de Psychologie politique, Revue interactive  d'information et de dialogue, No 2, octobre 2002, Université de Caen (France)   11p, in French;


(2002d) „The pathology of journalistic discourse: the sofisms” in Argumentum: Caietele Seminarului de Logică discursivă, Teoria argumentării şi Retorică, Nr. 1, 2002/2003, AXIS Foundation Press, Iaşi, October 2002, pp. 50 – 97, in Romanian;


(2002e) „Tendances actuelles dans la théorie de l’argumentation - Essai critique et systématique” in Noesis (Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences), XXVII, Editura Academiei Române, 2002, pp. 13-45, in French;


(2003a) „How should the philosophers write?” in Argumentum: Caietele Seminarului de Logică discursivă, Teoria argumentării şi Retorică, Nr. 2, 2003/2004, AXIS Foundation Press, Iaşi, September 2003, pp. 7 – 14, in Romanian;


(2003b) „On the grounds of argumentative dialogics” in Revista de filosofie, tome L, 3-4, May-August 2003, Bucharest, The Academy Press, 2003, pp. 439 – 456, in Romanian;


(2004) „Elements of a logic of intentionality: the logic of power” in  Probleme de logică, XI, Ontologie, semantică, pragmatică, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2004, pp. 234 – 264, in Romanian;


(2004b) A problematological model of argumentative dialogic in Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I.Cuza" - Iaşi, Filosofie, tome L-LI, 2003-2004, pp. 35-46, in Romanian;


(2004c) Problematological deduction and radical interogativity in Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I.Cuza" - Iaşi, Filosofie, tome L-LI, 2003-2004, pp. 437-449, in Romanian;


(2005) „Quelques commentaires sur une complicité în Les C@hiers de Psychologie politique, Revue interactive  d'information et de dialogue, No 6, janvier 2005, Université de Caen (France), in French


(2005) The Critique of Formal Decision, Handbook of the First World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Edited by Jean-Yves Beziau and Alexandre Costa-Leite (;


(2006) Despre gândirea problematologică: fundamente şi aplicaţii, „Argumentum: Caietele Seminarului de Logică discursivă, Teoria argumentării şi Retorică”, Nr. 4,  pp. 77-120;


(2006) The critique of formal decision – are decision methods really methods of decission? „Noesis” („Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”), XXX- XXXI, 2005-2006, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, pp. 87-98;


(2006) Le langage de la démocratie participative: une aproche du comportement verbal dans la relation pouvoir-citoyens  à Iasi (Roumanie), „Science de la société“, No 69, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Toulouse,  pp. 137 – 157;


(2007) Signe et monde: qu’est-ce qu’il y a au-dela du signe logique? – un débat en deux facettes : Russell et Carnap, „Noesis” („Travaux du Comité Roumain d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences”), XXXII, 2007, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti,  pp.15-37;


(2008) Argumentation et débats publics, Les C@hiers de Psychologie politique, No 12, janvier 2008, Université de Caen; ;




(1990) „The actuality of Titu Maiorescu’s logic” at the “Titu Maiorescu and his echoes in Romanian philosophy” Conference, Iassy, October 25 – 28, 1990 (in Romanian);


(1991) „Two types of discourse: demonstration and reasoning” at the “Philosophy in the dynamics of current spirituality – Romanian paradigms in the architectonic of the philosophy of science” Conference, Iassy, November 7 – 9, 1991(in Romanian);


(1992a) „Cognitive and pragmatic in the rhetorical discourse” at the “Values of the contemporary science” Conference, organized by The Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science, the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, December 8 – 9, 1992 (in Romanian);


(1992b) „The idea of a logical form in Ion Petrovici” at the Scientific Convention “Ion Petrovici the philosopher”, Iassy, November 4, 1992 (in Romanian);


(1993) „The rhetorical dimension of the scientific discourse” at the “Objectiv and subjective in scientific knowledge”, organized by the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, December 14 – 15, 1993 (in Romanian);


(1993) „Educative interventions and non-standard logic” at the “Culture and education” Conference, organized by the Chair of Pedagogy of the “Al. I. Cuza” University and the UNESCO National Committee for Romania, Iassy, 1993 (in Romanian);


(1995) „The force of the idea – side notes to a «metaphysical rhetoric»” at the International Colloquim “The risk in contemporary economy”, the philosophy section, University of Galaţi, November 10 – 11, 1995 (in Romanian);


(1996a) „Types of perceiving logicity” at the National Conference “Petre Botezatu : Logical-Philosophical itineraries”, organized by the Department of Philosophy of the “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iassy, the Romanian Academy, and the “Petre Andrei” Academic Foundation, Iassy, March 29 – 30, 1996 (in Romanian);


(1996b) „Les antinomies de la réceptivité - la logique roumaine entre la réceptivité et la construction systématique”, Conference at Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland), December 4, 1996 (in French);


(1998) „Divanul – a rhetoric exercise” at the “Cantemir - 300 years since the printing of Divanul”, organized by the UNESCO National Committee for Romania and the Chair of Romanian Literature of the Department of Letters, “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iassy, October 23, 1998 (in Romanian);


(1999) „The state of logic in our century. Continuity or disruption?” at the Annual Convention of the Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technique, Bucharest, October 13 – 14, 1999 (in Romanian);


(2001) „A Logical Approach to Argumentation” (together with dr. Dan Stoica) at the International Workshop on Semantics, Pragmatics and Rhetoric, San Sebastian (Spain), November 22-23, 2001 (in English);


(2003a) „La logique de pouvoir et la dynamique du discours politique” at the Première Conférence Internationale Francophone en Sciences de l'information et de la Communication; X-ème Colloque Bilatéral Franco-Roumain en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, Bucarest, 28 juin - 2 juillet 2003 (in French);


(2003b) „Unité et diversité de la rhétorique contemporaine” la Colloque international „Rhétorique et Aesthétique”, Centre Européen pour l'Etude de l'Argumentation, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 18 septembre 2003 (in French);


(2003c) „How should the philosophers write?” at the International Colloquium „The 21st century: horizon of the humanities “, Suceava University, October 31– November 2, 2003 (in Romanian);


(2004) „La logique du pouvoir”, Conference at Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland), May 5, 2004 (in French);


(2005) First World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG’05), Montreux, Switzerland, March 26th – Aprilie 3rd  2005 (The Critique of Formal Deduction);




Editor-in-chief of Argumentum

Member in the scientific board of Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” din Iassy. Filosofie; Biblos.

