Al. I. Cuza" University, Iaşi


Department of Philosophy


Chair of Communication Sciences



Project IDEI cod CNCSIS 80, 2009-2011






Romanian version

Last updated: June 25, 2010







Associate Professor Gheorghe-Ilie Fârte:


1.22-23 september 2010, Roluri ale comunicatorilor profesionişti în sfera publică, la workshop-ul „Jurnalism ştiinţific şi comunicare“, Bucureşti.

2.27-28 april 2010, PR’s Role in Managing Brand Equity, la colocviul „3rd International Marketing and PR Days: Image building and brand equity through integrated communication“, Antwerp-Ghent.

3.21-25 September 2009, Communication, non-communication, anti-communication, Université Paul Sabatier III de Toulouse ; 

4. 21-25 September2009, Sur la participation politique dans une société démocratique,Université Paul Sabatier III de Toulouse ; 

5. 27-28 march 2009, Specialistul în relaţii publice: vector al distrugerii, respectiv al cooperării creatoare, PR Trend", forth edition. 

6. 15-17.04.2008, Marketing Public Relations for Higher Education Institutions, „Image building and brand equity through
         integrated communication“, Antwerpen-Ghent;
 7. 16-17.10.2008, Mass media and European Cultural Citizenship, la conferinţa internaţională „Media and European Diversity“, Oradea, 

Lecturer Ioan Alexandru Grădinaru:

„Forţa contextului în comunicarea interpersonală – un model explicativ”, Iaşi, Zilele Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, 26.10.2008;

Lect.dr. Mihaela Lupu:

1.22-24 octomber 2009, Parenté linguistique et interlangue : facteurs facilitateurs et écueils dans l’apprentissage du français par les étudiants roumains, GALAPRO International Seminary, Universitatea« Al.I.Cuza » din Iași,

2. 2-7 september 2009, GALAPRO « Formation de Formateurs à l’Intercompréhension en Langues Romanes » (2007-3636/001-001 135470-LLP-1-2007-1-PT-KA2_KA2MP), Cassino, Italia.

3. 14 - 15 may 2009 : participare la eCoLoMedia Workshops, "Multimedia in Progress: How to localise Flash Animations and Videos for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Subtitling”, organizat la Iași de Universitatea din Leeds, ISTI - Bruxelles, Universität des Saarlandes (proiect Leonardo);


Lecturer Sorina Chiper


1. 3-4 april 2009 Cultural and Linguistic Challenges in a World of Financial Crisis, 2nd International Conference of the ESP Unit, FEAA, UAIC. E-Indelo. Developing Developers' Skills

2.. 14-16 may 2009 BAS Conference, Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara. Philip Roth's The Facts: Autobiography as Meta-Autobiography.

3. 24-26 september 2009 Expressions of the Self: Autobiography and Its Avatars, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, The Education of Henry Adams: From Personal History to a Theory of History

4. 17 april 2010 3rd LSP Conference, Higher Education between Tradition and Innovation. Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romanian Higher Education: Grassroots Assessment of the Status of Europeanisation

5. 20-22 may 2010 BAS, Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, Intercultural English Language Teaching in Practice: OfficeInteractors and the Power of Collaboration; Gertrude Stein in Autobiographical Mirrors.

Researcher Viorel Ţuţui

1. 7 Octomber 2010, The Limits of the Epistemic Conception of Deliberative Democracy, în cadrul Conferinţei Internaţionale, The Limits of the Knowledge Society, Academia Romană, Filiala Iaşi, 7 Octombrie 2010.

2. 7 Octomber 2010, Compromisul dintre concepţia liberală şi cea deliberativă, în cadrul Conferinţei Internaţionale, The Limits of the Knowledge Society, Academia Romană, Filiala Iaşi, 7 Octombrie 2010.

3. 16 September 2010, Critica proceduralismului pur cu privire la democraţia deliberativă, în cadrul Conferinţei Zilele Academice Ieşene, Academia Romană, Filiala Iaşi, 16 Septembrie 2010.

4. October 2009, Virtuţile şi limitele deliberării: o analiză critică a «turnurii deliberative» din teoria democraţiei, „Al.I. Cuza” University, Iaşi.
