Gerard STAN
(b. 1970) obtained his Ph.D. from "Al. I. Cuza"
University in the year 2003 with a thesis on scientific laws.
Currently he is university senior lecturer in the Chair of
Communication Sciences
Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy. His
competence fields include philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophy
of language, advertising and branding. He is a member of the
Seminar of Discursive Logic, Theory of Reasoning and Rhetoric.
Gerard STAN is the author of
Ordinea naturii şi legile ştiinţei (Iaşi: Editura Universităţii
"Al.I. Cuza", 2004). and
Cunoaştere şi adevăr,
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2006, 250 p.). He has published papers in the
philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophy of language history of
analytic philosophy, advertising and