"Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy

Department of Philosophy





The Seminar of Discursive Logic, Theory of Reasoning and Rhetoric is functioning since 2000 in the Department of Philosophy of "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy.

The Seminar proposes:

1. To develop and investigate in the Romanian area a series of themes which belong to the big problems of argumentation and are of great interest both for students and for the people generally (the relationships between the classical rhetoric and its contemporary developments, the discursive techniques used in media speech, logical-rhetoric aspects of publicity, the peculiarities of the televisual speech etc.). 

2. To initiate and keep in touch with international research centers in these fields by publications exchange, research probation periods, publishing joint periodicals, viva voce exams and discussions in common with our partners: Communalis - Communication and Natural Logic International Society (Milton N. Campos); Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques de l’Université de Neuchâtel (Jean-Blaise Grize, Denis Miéville), Centre Européen pour l'Etude de l'Argumentation de la Université Libre de Bruxelles (Michel Meyer, Corinne Hoogaert), The International Society for the Study of Argumentation de la University of Amsterdam (Frans van Eemeren), LERASS Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches Appliquées en Sciences Sociales Université Paul Sabatier (Viviane Couzinet, Robert Boure, Stefan Bratosin), Associasion Francaise de Psychologie Politique Université de Caen (Alexandre Dorna).

3. To initiate and organize debates and discussions regarding discursive logic, the theory of reasoning and rhetoric, with national and international participants in order to highlight the activity of some researchers from “Al. I. Cuza” University in this field and the results of other research centers; to initiate courses on these topics within the master's degree programs. 

4. To develop research programs in the above-mentioned fields to provide for the integrated coordination of the approved grants and of those to be approved; to initiate a periodical of the Centre that should include the most important results obtained within the research activities by the Center's members and its contributors.


                       Adress: 11 Carol I Blv., Iassy

                       Phone: (40) 232 201 054

                       Fax: (40) 232 201 154

                       Email: csalav@uaic.ro


bulletThe members of the Seminar

Professor Constantin SĂLĂVĂSTRU, PhD. (manager of the center), "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: csalav@uaic.ro)

Gheorghe-Ilie FÂRTE, PhD., senior lecturer, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: farte@uaic.ro)

Dan STOICA, PhD., senior lecturer, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Letters, Section of Journalism. (E-mail: dstoica_ro@yahoo.com)

Gerard STAN, Ph.D., lecturer, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: gstan@uaic.ro)

Gheorghe VLASIE, PhD. student, assistant professor, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: gvlasie@uaic.ro)

Ioan-Alexandru GRĂDINARU, PhD, lecturer, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: alexandru.gradinaru@uaic.ro)

Camelia GRĂDINARU, PhD. , "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy, Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: ocamelia@yahoo.com)

Viorel ŢUŢUI, Ph.D., lecturer, "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iassy, Department of Philosophy,  Chair of Communication Sciences and Public Relations. (E-mail: tutuiviorel@yahoo.com)


bulletResearch themes that have been initiated

1) Reasoning Techniques Used in Journalistic Practice, grant approved by the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS) for two years (2001-2002). Project manager: Constantin Sălăvăstru; team members: Gh. Fârte, Gh. Vlasie. Investigation main trends:

a) Logical Argumentative Structures that Appear in Journalistic Practice (Gh. Fârte).

b) The Pathology of Media Discourses (C. Sălăvăstru).

c) Persuasion Techniques Used in Journalistic Discourses (Gh. Vlasie)

The results can be found in the 1st issue of Argumentum.

2) Hypostases of the Structuring of the Philosophical Discourse. The project intends to investigate a few exemplary models of elaborating and developing the philosophical analysis. Project manager: Constantin Sălăvăstru; Team members: G. Stan, C. Bîlbă, I.A. Grădinaru, C. Grădinaru. Investigation main trends:

a) How should the philosophers write? (C. Sălăvăstru)

b) The philosophical discourse as a validation modality of a „logic”. The case Popper

    (G. Stan)

c) The philosophical discourse as a logical and linguistic reconstruction of the world.

    The case Quine (I.A. Grădinaru)

d) The philosophical discourse as a technique of rediscovering the event.

    The case Foucault (C. Bîlbă)

e) The philosophical discourse as a strategy of seduction. The case Baudrillard

    (C. Grădinaru)

The results can be found in the 2nd issue of Argumentum.

3) The Language of Participatory Democracy: A Study of Verbal Behaviour in the Relationship Betweeen Local Power and Citizens. Project manager: Constantin Sălăvăstru; Team members:  Gh. Fârte, S. Chiper, M. Lupu, I.A. Grădinaru, V. Ţuţui.  Investigation main trends:

          a) Language and Participatory Democracy: How do Politicians Communicate with Citizens?

              (C. Sălăvăstru)

          b) Civic Action and Public Communication in a Self-governing Society (Gh. Fârte)

          c) The Praxis of Participatory Democracy (I.A. Grădinaru)

          d) The Political Language: from the Variety of Functions to the Dynamic of the Peceptions

               (M. Lupu)

          e) Virtues and Limits of the Deliberation: A Critical Analysis of the "Deliberative Turn" in the

              Theory of Democracy. (V. Ţuţui)


The results can be found in the 8th issue of Argumentum.

bulletThe publications of the Seminar

             The journal Argumentum  

             The journal Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Al.I. Cuza - Ştiinţe ale comunicării

 bulletThe partners of the Seminar

Communalis - Communication and Natural Logic International Society (Milton N. Campos).

Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques de l’Université de Neuchâtel (Jean-Blaise Grize, Denis Miéville).

Centre Européen pour l'Etude de l'Argumentation of Université Libre de Bruxelles (Michel Meyer, Corinne Hoogaert).

The International Society for the Study of Argumentation of University of Amsterdam (Frans van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst).
