Prof. dr. Doina Balahur: Sociology of vulnerable populations, Gender studies, Legal sociology
Prof. dr. Daniela Cojocaru: Sociology of children and parenting, Sociology of health
Research topics
Prof. dr. Ștefan Cojocaru: Sociology of the family, Sociology of health
Prof. dr. Cristina Gavriluță: Sociology of Deviance, Social Anthropology
Prof. dr. Nicu Gavriluță: Sociology of religions, social anthropology
Prof. dr. Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu: Sociology of elites, Psycho-sociology, Sociology of the hospital
Prof. dr. Dumitru Stan: Sociology of traditional communities, Sociology of culture, Ethnology
Prof. dr. Anton Adămuţ: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Research topics
Prof. dr. George Bondor: Contemporary philosophy, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
Prof. dr. Carmen Cozma: Ethics
Prof. dr. Mihai-Dan Chițoiu: Byzantine Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Intercultural Philosophy
Prof. dr. Marius Dumitrescu: Philosophical Anthropology, Modern Philosophy
Prof. dr. Nicolae Râmbu: Classical German Philosophy, Axiology, Philosophy of Culture
Proff. dr. Ioan Alexandru Tofan: Philosophy of religion, Romanian philosophy
Conf. dr. Adrian Muraru: Premodern philosophy
Lect. dr. Florin Crîșmăreanu: Patristic and scholastic philosophy
The admittance will be organized in September each year for the vacancies put up by each PhD supervisor.
The subjects and bibliography related to the tests are proposed by the PhD supervisor with vacancies, validated by the Doctoral School Council.
The written and oral tests, evaluation and selection criteria for the admittance to the Doctoral School are as following:
The admittance consists of calculating the arithmetical mean of three grades: written test grade; interview grade; the arithmetical mean from dissertation exam. The criterion for differentiation in the case of equal means is given by the graduation exam mean.
WRITTEN TEST: questions will be formulated by study area from the list of topics and will be submitted by PhD advisor/team of PhD advisors.
INTERVIEW: the student will present a PhD research project. The project will be based on topics from study area candidates apply for.
RESEARCH PROPOSAL should include the following:
Introduction – background and research aim required the scientific knowledge
PhD proposal: topic, research questions, current literature review
Objectives: aim, expected results and contribution to the to the development of study area
Methodology: methods and strategy, interdisciplinary aspects, etc.
Previous research
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