Block seminar on Hermann Cohen, Religion of Reason Out of the Sources of Judaism
From 13-16 June 2023, an interdisciplinary and international block seminar took place at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi. Prof. Dr. Martina Roesner (Chair of Philosophy) and Prof. Dr. Michael Fieger (Chair of Old Testament Studies) from Theologische Hochschule Chur (Switzerland),
held a seminar on Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) and his late work Religion of Reason from the Sources of Judaism to a mixed audience of professors and students from different faculties (Philosophy, Theology, Sociology, Political Science). Cohen‘s book occupies a special position within Jewish philosophy of religion in that it strives to determine the place of the biblical religion of revelation within the neo-Kantian system of philosophy. The course met with very lively interest, even though examinations took place during the specified period. Some of the participants had already attended last year's Summerschool in Chur, and students of theology, some of whom belong to the Roman Catholic seminary, were also present.
Due to time constraints, the reading and discussion focused on the 13th chapter of Cohen's book, which deals in a special way with the idea of the Messiah and humanity. It became clear that while on the one hand Cohen draws from the Hebrew Bible and emphasises the uniqueness of Old Testament monotheism, on the other hand he also strives to appreciate the importance of Greek philosophy and culture for human development.
Martina Roesner / Michael Fieger
Seminar Hermann Cohen, Religia rațiunii din izvoarele iudaismului
În perioada 13-16 iunie 2023, la Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iași a avut loc un seminar interdisciplinar internațional. Prof. Dr. Martina Roesner (Catedră de Filosofie) și Prof. Dr. Michael Fieger (Catedră de Studii Vechiului Testament) de la Theologische Hochschule Chur (Elveția), au susținut un seminar despre Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) și lucrarea sa târzie Religion of Reason from the Sources of Judaism unui public mixt de profesori și studenți de la diferite domenii de studiu (Filosofie, Teologie, Sociologie, Științe Politice). Cartea lui Cohen ocupă o poziție specială în filosofia iudaica a religiei prin faptul că se străduiește să determine locul religiei biblice a revelației în cadrul sistemului neo-kantian de filosofie. Cursul a avut un interes foarte viu, chiar dacă s-a suprapus peste sesiunea de examene.
Martina Roesner / Michael Fieger