The Conference will involve participants from seven European cities involved in the Alliance EC2U – European Campus of Cities-Universities: Poitiers (France), Pavia (Italy), Iasi (Romania), Salamanca (Spain), Coimbra (Portugal), Jena (Germany), and Turku (Finland).
The Alliance EC2U formed a partnership for the implementation of the project RI4C2 – “Research & Innovation For Cities & Citizens” funded by European Commission’s Horizon 2020 „Science with & for Society” call, Grant Agreement 101035803/04.06.2021.
The aim of the conference is to formulate a framework for creating and development of the three Pilot living labs within existing EC2U Virtual Institutes.
Living Labs are “user-centred, open innovation ecosystems based on systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and innovation processes in real life communities and settings” (the most common definition by the European Network of Living Labs-ENoLL).
Citizens are key actors among the local knowledge ecosystems and the EC2U Alliance guiding principle is to promote their active engagement in all stages of Research and innovation process.
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